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A Dutch producer of environmentally friendly additives. ADDAPT Chemicals BV is an independent chemical company located in the Netherlands and specialized in the development and manufacturing of environmentally friendly additives for a wide variety of mainly water based systems.
Is a producer of high value additives and preparations for coatings and related industries. Dispersing and wetting agents,. We deliver high quality additive solutions, state-of-the-art product development, a high level day-to-day technical service and customer specific product solutions. Please download brochure click here. Read more New CLIQ Additive Brochure.
Misiunea noastra este sa fim o companie care se dezvolta rapid in mediul competitional din Romania. Aceasta inseamna sa fim pe deplin integrati in cadrul Grupului nostru care isi desfasoara activitatea in acelasi domeniu, astfel incat sa putem oferi pietei performante remarcabile din punct de vedere al calitatii, livrarii, costului si sigurantei. Articole publicate in revista Globus Food and Drinks in parteneriat cu DSM Food Specialties.
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Rijnstraat 8 te Den Haag, het voormalige gebouw van het Ministerie voor Verkeer, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieu, wordt momenteel grondig gerenoveerd om te voldoen aan het nieuwe werken en aan de huidige eisen op het gebied van duurzaamheid en beveiliging. Elton ontwikkelt en produceert oplossingen voor tochtvrije, geluidsdichte en veilige situaties rondom ramen en deuren. EllenMatic Soundproof 60 minuten brandwerend. Nieuwe website met meer gebruiksgemak.
Misiunea noastra este sa fim o companie care se dezvolta rapid in mediul competitional din Romania. Aceasta inseamna sa fim pe deplin integrati in cadrul Grupului nostru care isi desfasoara activitatea in acelasi domeniu, astfel incat sa putem oferi pietei performante remarcabile din punct de vedere al calitatii, livrarii, costului si sigurantei. Articole publicate in revista Globus Food and Drinks in parteneriat cu DSM Food Specialties.